1. |
Incentives Reinforce The Business Strategy
By Laura Dunne, Sibson Canada Inc. |
2. |
Excellence Through Competency Models
By Charles Bethell-Fox,Ph.D., Hay/McBer a divison of Hay Group |
3. |
Refining Competency-Based Management Systems
By Stephen Newport, The Avalon Group |
4. |
Employee Involvement Teamwork
By Philip Drouillard, Sibson Canada Inc. |
5. |
Strategic Considerations in Skill-Base Pay
By Nina Gupta, Ph.D. and G.Douglas Jenkins Jr.,Ph.D., University of Arkansas |
6. |
Staying Focused - enabling strategic change through competencies
By Barbara Feasby, N. Winter Consulting Inc. |
7. |
Key Design Principles for Competency Based Management Systems
By Stephen Newport and Dave Nanderam, The Avalon Group |
8. |
Terminating C.E.O. Can Be Expensive
By Brian P. Smeenk, Counsel, McCarthy Tetrault |
9. |
Defining The New Employment Contract
By Susan Savage, Hewitt Associates LLC. |
10. |
Executive Compensation in Canada: Between Facts and Fiction
By Michel Magnan, Ph.D., University du Quebec a Montreal; Sylvie St-Onge, Ph.D., Ecole des Hautes Commerciales de Montreal; Linda Thorne, M.B.A., C.A., Bishop's University |
11. |
What Should Corporations Pay Their Lawyers?
By Les Teichroew, MA, Scott Newlan, BAH, Sharon Clark,MBA,Price Waterhouse |
12. |
What Makes Compensation Strategic from "Best Practices" To Strategic Compensation Management
By Nadine Winter, N.Winter Consulting Inc. |
13. |
Expatriate Compensation and Tax - Canadian Survey
By Jeff S. Biteen, Price Waterhouse |
14. |
Changing the Purpose of Pay Programs
By Gerry Bakker, Consultant |
15. |
Group Incentives in Healthcare: Are you ready?
By Gerry Bakker, Consultant |
16. |
Compensation Strategies for the '90s
By Richard Dauphinais, Strategic Compensation Partners |
17. |
The 3 Rs of Human Resourses Reengineering: Reward, Recognition and Reassessment
By Richard Dauphinais, Strategic Compensation Partners |
18. |
Organization and Process Redesign: Emerging Role of the Human Resources Function
By Stephen Newport, The Avalon Group |
19. |
Achieving and Sustaining Superior Performance in Difficult Times
By Duncan Campbell, Consultant |
20. |
Sales Compensation Fundamentals - Getting the Mix and Leverage Right
By David J. Cichelli, The Alexander Group Inc. |
21. |
Intergration - an important Trend in Compensation Design
By Norman L. Trainor, The Wyatt |
22. |
Measuring and Paying for Competency in Reengineered Work Processes
By Charles Bethell-Fox, Ph.D., Hay/McBer Canada |
23. |
The Canadian Human Rights Commission and The New Employment Act
By Danielle Lacoste, Canadian Human Rights Commission |
24. |
The Emerging Debate: How much say should employees have in the administration of pension plans?
By Frances R. Gallop, Lawyer, Filion, Wakely & Thorup |
25. |
What role do "ethical" or "social" considerations have in pension fund investing?
By Frances R. Gallop, Lawyer, Filion, Wakely & Thorup |
26. |
Employee Share Purchase Plans
By Rae Johnson, Consultant |
27. |
A Strategic Use of Performance Evaluation and Quality Management
By Stephen Newport, The Avalon Group |
28. |
Sexual Harrassment - How Costly Is It ?
By Sari J. Springer, Lawyer, Cassels Brock & Blackwell |
29. |
Mobilizing Force for Change
By Gail Evans, MBA and Bob Yamashita, MBA, The Wynford Group |
30. |
Treatment of Indirect Element for Pay Equity Purposes
By Danielle LaCoste, Canadian Human Rights Commission |
31. |
Describing the Elephant: Changing Our Paradigm
By Robert Paterson, The Renewal Group |
32. |
Moving Through Time and Space - an example of new economy
By Robert Paterson, The Renewal Group |
33. |
The Canadian Human Resource Odyssey: from passanger to pilot
By Pierre F. Lebel |
34. |
Performance Scorboards: Does your firm get a bang for its compensation buck?
By Michel Magnan, Ph.D. and Sylvie St-Onge, Ph.D. |
35. |
Competency-Based Pay in a Board-Banded Structure: Finding the right approach for your organization
By Susan Savage and Shannon Jackson, Sibson Canada Inc. |
36. |
Time for a serious look at new pay in Canada
By Patricia K. Zingheim and Jay R. Schuster, Schuster-Zingheim Associates Inc. |
37. |
Bill 165, An Act to Amend The Workers' Compensation Act and The Occupational Health and Safety Act
By Tim A. English, Lawyer, Filion, Wakely and Thorup |
38. |
The New Government in Ontario - what happens to Employment Equity?
By Agnes McLorinan, Hewitt Associates LLC. |
39. |
Motivating Employees Through Recognition Strategies - Good Intensions vs Targeted Results
By Gail Evans, MBA, The Wynford Group |
40. |
Supreme Court of Canada delivers long-awaited same-sex benefits decision
By Nancy A. Eber, Lawyer, McCarthy Tetrault |
41. |
The Competitive Benefit of The 90's - Retirement Planning
By Peter Scherer,Retirement Counsel of Canada |
42. |
Recreating the Human Resources Function
By Susan Savage, Hewitt Associates LLC. |
43. |
Risk and Its Rewards
By Gail Evans, MBA, The Wynford Group |
44. |
Facing The Reality Of Change
by Gail Evans, MBA & Bob Yamashita, MBA; The Wynford Group |
45. |
Why All This Interest In Broad Band Competency Based Pay
by Brian J. McKinnon, William M. Mercer Limited |
46. |
Demystifying The Buzzwords! Five Steps To Organizational Effectiveness
by Linda Sargent, MBA |
47. |
Employment Standards Act Reform Bill 49
by Michael D. Failes, Lawyer, Fillion,Wakely & Thorup |
48. |
Performance Management Systems - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
by Dick Dauphinais, Strategic Compensation Partners |
49. |
Reward Strategies For Key Knowledge Workers
by Gail Evans, MBA, The Wynford Group |
50. |
Immigration And Earnings
by Joy-Ann Cohen, MA, LLB, Barrister and Solicitor |
51. |
When Does an Early Retirement Package Become A Binding Contract?
by Frances Gallop, Lawyer, Fillion, Wakely & Thorup |
52. |
Cross-Border Movement And Pay Of Computer Personnel Destined For Canada
by Joy-Ann Cohen, MA, LLB, Barrister and Solicitor |
53. |
Can An Employee Receive Both Disability Benefits And Compensation In Lieu Of Wages Upon Termination?
by Nancy A. Eber, Lawyer, McCarthy Tetrault |
54. |
Union Organizing And The Human Resources Practitioner - Lessons to Learn From The Walmart Decision
by Michael D. Fails, Lawyer, Fillion, Wakely & Thorup |
55. |
Lawler vs Kohn: What The Debate Over Rewards Ignores
by Nadine Winter, N. Winter Consulting Inc. |
56. |
The Human Rights Commission and The New Employment Equity Act
by Danielle Lacoste, Canadian Human Rights Commission |
57. |
Union-Management Relationship - Confrontation or Co-operation
by Alex Mercer |
58. |
Understanding Exit Price: The Key To Attracting And Retaining IT Talent
by Laura Dunne, Consultant, Sibson Canada Inc. |
59. |
Strategic Sales Compensation
by David H. Johnston, Partner, Sales Resource Group |
60. |
Life After Flex - Flexible Benefits
by Karen Yukich, Consultant, K.R.Yukich & Associates |
61. |
Implementing A Successful Compensation Project
by Susan Savage, Sr. Consultant, Hewitt Associates LLC |
62. |
Quality Of Employee Dispute Resolution Unknown In Many Canadian Organizations
by Gary T. Furlong, Consultant, Agree Inc. |
63. |
The Need To Take Care: Communicating With Employees And Their Families About Benefits
by Frances Gallop, Partner, Fillion, Wakely & Thorup |
64. |
Availability Of Sick Benefits For Pregnant Women
by Frances Gallop, Partner, Fillion, Wakely & Thorup |
65. |
Trends In Retention Strategies For Hotskills
by Gail Evans, MBA, The Wynford Group and Daryl Johnson, CCP, Ernst & Young |
66. |
Mediation Used Successfully In Employment Class Action
by Leslie Dizgun, Counsel, Blustein & Pearlstein |
67. |
Strategic Transfer Of Training
by Dr. Alan Saks, York University |
68. |
Wrongful Dismissal - Courts Punish Employers By Increasing Notice Period
by Frederico Soda, Lawyer and Daniel Black, Lawyer, McCarthy Tetrault |
69. |
Alternative Dispute Resolution In Unionized Workplaces
by Steven Mendelssohn, SGM Consulting Group |